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Sterling Market Commentary for Tuesday January 22nd, 2013

January 22, 2013 sterlinginvestments 0

In today’s edition of the Sterling Market Commentary we take a look at Friday’s market activity, and take a look at the longer term trendlines influencing the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Our chart posted attempts to take a look at where we might see short term resistance affecting the current move higher by the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

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Sterling Market Commentary for Friday January 18th, 2013

January 18, 2013 sterlinginvestments 0

In today’s edition of the Sterling Market Commentary we take a look at Thursday’s market as well as our thoughts on Friday’s upcoming market. In addition we take a look at what we perceive to be the current support and resistance trendlines on the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The chart in today’s Sterling Market Commentary is worth taking a look at.

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Sterling Market Commentary for Tuesday January 15th, 2013

January 15, 2013 sterlinginvestments 0

Sterling Investment Services look at Monday’s market activity, and our thoughts on Tuesday’s market. In addition we take a look at the Dow Jones Transportation Average and our thoughts on it completing a cup pattern with our new upside target for the Dow Jones Transportation Average if the cup pattern is completed.

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Sterling Market Commentary for Friday January 11th, 2013

January 11, 2013 sterlinginvestments 0

A Few Thoughts on Friday’s Market: In looking at the charts of the major market indices, I would like to remind everyone that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is entering an area of upside resistance where significant or meaningful gains from these price levels may be very difficult to achieve. I continue to see significant political risk to the market that could easily send the market dramatically lower in a very quick period of time. As a result we are recommending that investors tighten their stops, consider selling calls on any stock that may be approaching over bought territory, and in some cases buy puts outright.

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Sterling Market Commentary for Wednesday January 2nd, 2013

January 2, 2013 sterlinginvestments 0

Well, I will confess to having taken most of December off and letting the political mess in Washington D.C. play out. It turned out to be a good opportunity to spend some time with family and for us to enjoy our 4 month old baby boy. The situation in Washington DC continues to make a mess of the markets with computer programs that spit out trading strategies based upon headlines written by a news industry primarily staffed by a young, underpaid and an over worked staff. These programs lack the capacity to read through the details of the articles with any form of understanding of what they are reading. They simply count key words that they assign ratings