Sterling Weekly for the Week of April 2nd, 2012 – A Look at 1st Quarter Index Performance Results
We saw the end of the 1st quarter of the year last week. As usual I like to take a look at the performance of the various sector indices I track and see what the market is telling us. I usually find these results to be somewhat interesting. I have published the results below for your review as well……………..In looking at the results of the 1st quarter 2012, the average index gained 12.21%. Overall a very good performance, but one that we should not expect to be repeated for each of the remaining 3 quarters as that would equate to a 48% plus annualized return. As far as the major market indices are concerned, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up by 994.48 points or approximately 8.14%, the S&P 500 was higher by 150.87 points or approximately 12%, and the NASDAQ 100, obviously benefiting from the effect of Apple, was higher by 477.44 points or approximately 20.96%………………………..i have stated many times that I believe that Bull Markets are primarily the result of 2 things; the first being new technology, and the second being changes in government regulation. The results of the 1st quarter are pretty well explained by that thesis. The top performing indices were either the result of new technologies, such as the Amex Biotech Index and the various technology indices that were heavily influenced by Apple, Inc. ‘APPL.’ The second set of indices, those influenced by government regulation were the interest rate indices, the TYX, TNX, and FVX. The poor performing indices reflect the same results, rising interest rates is a negative for the Utility industry, and precious metals such as gold and silver. Additionally the beginning of the implementation of Obamacare and its massive amounts of regulation is a negative for the Healthcare related indices.