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Sterling Market Commentary for Tuesday January 31st, 2012

January 31, 2012 sterlinginvestments 0

Early futures are once again higher as the politicians in Europe talk about solving problems without providing any real solution. People really need to be paying attention to the substance of these stories and not just the headlines. In looking at the charts from yesterday’s trading activity, I noticed that with the exception of the high tech indices the rest of the various indices I track appear to be….

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Sterling Market Commentary for Friday January 27th, 2012

January 27, 2012 sterlinginvestments 0

The overall market is rather dull right now; something I find rather interesting considering the Fed’s recent announcement of prolonged ultra-low interest rates and what I consider to be rather good corporate earnings announcements. I take this to be a sign that investors are not really to enthused about the prospects for the world economy for 2012. While it is tempting to call for a market pullback, there is an old saying about never short a dull market. While my 1st Rule of Trends is that a trend remains in place until it is broken; my 2nd Rule of Trends is ……….

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Sterling Market Commentary for Thursday January 26th, 2012

January 26, 2012 sterlinginvestments 0

I will admit I am just not enthused about much of anything this morning. I am deeply disappointed by the negative campaigning by the Republican candidates, I think Obama’s election year politics are going to be deeply destructive, and the Bernanke’s Fed is creating a bond bubble and in the process enabling disasterous policies that could make the 2008 financial crisis look like a warmup event. Additionally I do not see the European financial crisis as really being solved, or anything close to it. I guess I am just in one those moods.

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Sterling Market Commentary for Wednesday January 25th, 2012

January 25, 2012 sterlinginvestments 0

A Few Thoughts on Wednesday’s Market: In looking at the charts from yesterday’s trading activity I noticed that it looks like the NASDAQ 100 ‘NDX’ has entered an area of upside resistance that could be tough to get through. Additionally the very vast majority of the sector indices I track are not confirming the move higher by the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Granted I expect the NASDAQ to be higher today due to the incredible earnings by Apple, Inc. ‘AAPL’. However…………….

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Sterling Market Commentary for January 24th, 2012

January 24, 2012 sterlinginvestments 0

It should be noted that on Friday the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed Friday at 12,720.48 Last summer the Dow closed at 12,724.41 on July 21st, and at 12,719.49 on July 7th. This is significant because if we see the Dow Jones Industrial Average moves back lower from these levels, then we will effectively have put in place a “triple top,” which should be considered a significant point of upside resistance. It should also be noted that this move higher has not been confirmed by the either the……………………