Sterling Small Cap Review

Sterling Investment Services Small Cap Stock Review highlights small and micro cap companies that we feel would be of interest to the investing public. These companies meet our financial and trading criteria for being suitable for investment consideration. The companies featured in our Small Cap Review are typically companies that we feel meet our financial criteria as being undervalued and un-followed, essentially “hidden gems.”

Our current company profiled: Probe Manufacturing, Inc. OTC: ‘PMFI’

Stocks covered in our Small Cap Review generally receive one of the following Six (6) ratings:

  1. Watch: This rating is pretty simple, we think this company bears watching and might actually develop into something.
  2. Speculative Buy: This company might be worth a flyer, but remember it is a very high risk investment and you could loose money if you are not careful. Definitely not for “widows and orphans.”
  3. Buy: We feel this company is undervalued and should be worth more than it currently is or it has some pretty good growth potential. However, keep in mind as with all Small Cap companies it is not a “Blue Chip” and still should be considered somewhat risky.
  4. Hold: If you already own it. Hold on to it, but it could be upgraded or downgraded any moment. If you don’t own it, don’t buy it.
  5. Sell: If you own it, get rid of it.
  6. You have Got to Be Kidding Me! : Definitely don’t buy it. If you own it, sell it. Short it if you can. Definitely looks fishy and suspect to us!

The Small Cap Review is provided to our readers FREE of charge. Our goal in publishing the Small Cap Review is to provide our clients with high quality small cap recommendations that will hopefully provide them with profitable investments and trades. As a result, we publish the Small Cap Review when we find companies worth writing up. This may lead to a somewhat erratic publication schedule, but we promise never to write up companies we don’t like in order to simply provide content. The latest edition of the Small Cap Review can be found (click here.)